Another Grain Of Sand On The Beach Of Life..

As we humans struggle to figure out the origination of our species and life on Planet Earth, the following article is another mile-stone in our progression.
Namibia sponge fossils are world's first animals: study Scientists digging …
Scientists digging in a Namibian national park have uncovered sponge-like fossils they say are the first animals, a discovery that would push the emergence of animal life back millions of years.
The tiny vase-shaped creatures' fossils were found in Namibia's Etosha National Park and other sites around the country in rocks between 760 and 550 million years old, a 10-member team of international researchers said in a paper published in the South African Journal of Science.
That means animals, previously thought to have emerged 600 million to 650 million years ago, actually appeared 100 million to 150 million years before that, the authors said.
It also means the hollow globs -- about the size of a dust speck and covered in holes that allowed fluid to pass in and out of their bodies -- were our ancestors, said co-author Tony Prave, a geologist at the University of St Andrews in Scotland.
"If one looks at the family tree and projects this backward to where you have what's called the stem group, the ancestor of all animals, then yes, this would be our great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother," he told AFP.
Prave said fossil evidence that animals emerged as long as 760 million years ago fit together neatly with what geneticists had hypothesised by looking at "molecular clocks", a means of gauging a species' age by looking at the percentage difference between its DNA and that of another species.
"The aspect of this, that's rather satisfying, at least intellectually, is that it is in broad agreement with what geneticists would tell us based on looking at molecular clocks when we should see the first advent of large multi-cellular life forms," he said.
And so the quest continues...

Murder By Mind Control

They took an average Guy, scanned his image through a Super MRI Machine that displays a 3D structure of this fellow from which they made a life-like Maniquen, into which they loaded a Robotic Super Computer that works just like a Human would, to which they attached a Special Computer Brains that is able to read signals from a Device placed on the head of a Human, much like a Helmet or a Hat, from which this Human broadcast his or her thoughts to this Maniquen Machine that funtions like a Human, and in this case the thoughts were to strangle another Human. And that my friends, is Murder By Mind Control.

The Missing Link

From as far back in my life time as i can remember, i have always heard stories about "the missing link" that provides a direct continuation between the living creatures on Planet Earth and the God-like creature known as Humans. (Note: that was before the word "Link" became a popular Internet term.)
Personally, i have always believed that there is a direct connection between everything on Planet Earth, counting Rocks, Water and all the Elements, Trees and all living creatures, including Mankind.
Now, i am real excited to see and hear the reaction regarding this Fossil that is being displayed and being called "The Missing Link". This and many other Fossils were unearthed about Twenty Years ago, but the Scientists needed all this time to try to figure out just what kind of a creature this really is.
In my humble opinion, it si as clear as the Nose on your face that this and all other creatures are directly related, no matter how one chooses to frame it.
Every single creature on Planet Earth has to consume another living creature, counting rocks and trees, to generate energy to continue being a living creature. No one can deny or argue with that fact. A living creature that does not consume another creature will surely die.

Reality of Life

I got up this morning feeling a little down on myself,
then i start to wonder...what happens when a human being gets eaten by a Lion or Alligator or Shark, what comes out at the other end???

The Amazing Technology

As i noted in my last post, i have really lived through an amazing technological period, and to me, it's mindboggleing what the future holds.
When i was just a kid, there was the Vacuum Tube Radio, then the 1 Transistor Radio, that evolves to the famous 6 Transistor Radio, then the Juke-Box, Black and White Tv and a few Color Tvs and 8 Track Cassette that plays in an endless loop, and noisy Cassette Player and Recorders. Yes, that was the whole nine yards me man, that was it.
I remember when i was in my teens and i read in a book that by the end of our life-time, Television would be hanging from the walls like a picture frame, and our jaws would drop to the ground and we would that possible? now look see what is going on, they already started market testing that "Dick Tracy" fantasy wrist watch that is realy a two-way wrist Tv, walkie-talky, camera, email send/receive, texting key board, multi-lingual, black-berry type etc..etc..
It seems like just last week, the word email did not exist, from to lord knows what else. Yes! technology has come a long ways.

This Amazing Technology

For me, this age of Technology is just flaberghasting, totally amazing. In my lifetime, along with the rest of the world, i have lived through some real technological explosion.


It is just so amazing to see that so much has changed since July 1, 2006 or that is the date i see on my last posting. Never-the-less, it's good to be here again, even though i feel a bit like Rip Van Winkle, the fellow who went to sleep on the hill for 20 Years.

How Mango Got It's Name...

Once there was this Farmer who was out in his field working very hard, on a hot sunny day. After working for awhile, he grew tired and went to sit down under this Tree, to take a rest. He then noticed that the birds were chirping happily while they were eating the fruits from the tree, so he became curious and decided to try one of the fruit. It tasted real he tried another, and soon he had eaten a lot of the fruits.
About this time his wife came along with his lunch and she saw him eating the fruits, looking revived and smiling, so she said to him, "Honey, what are you eating?", he then turned to her, looked up in the tree and said, "I don't know what this is dear, but this will make a MAN-GO"!.